Saturday, November 17, 2012

Play Time

Rae's happy place would be a room full of people to play with. I'm encouraged by this because sooner rather than later, we'll have a house like this. It's fun to watch him interact with other little kids. Mostly he just parallel plays with them, but sometimes he interacts, too. 

There's only four kids here, but it felt like little ones crawling everywhere! And Rae's right in the thick of them. 

He did wander off to find the play kitchen inside our friend's real kitchen. It's a pretty awesome kitchen.  Just like Daddy, Rae loves playing in his kitchen. 

He loves this little girl. Rather, he loves her stuff and tries to get her attention by taking and replacing her things. She doesn't get it and screams. Rae doesn't get that he upset her and like the true little scientist, he keeps testing for different reactions. 

There's a bouncer that lives in the Relief Society room/ mother's lounge. Rae likes climbing into it and because he's bigger than a lot of the other non-nursery kids, he gets it. 

 We talk a lot about "gentle touches" and being "soft" or "nice". Here he's trying to be gentle with another little boy at the park and pat his head. It works for a little while.

Then he tries to share. I'm rather surprised by how much he does share. He doesn't share all the time, but frequently. I hope that doesn't change. 

I feel that Rae changes so quickly it's hard to remember that all the things he's doing are new to him. Today for example, he came tearing around the corner into the kitchen topless. How did he get his long sleeved shirt off? Did Mr. Graff help him? Nope, he did it by himself and was super proud of the fact, thank you very much. 

When he was a baby, it was easier to see change, change now seems to be exponential. He learns so much, so fast. I'm sure he'll be explaining physics to me soon. 


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