Monday, November 12, 2012

Catching Up

In my brain, I'd thought I'd have this baby by now, so my excuses for not blogging have been waiting-for-baby ones. Now I'm six days overdue with my faker-baker and needing an outlet. SO, I will update with things and happenings. 

First, another word on pregnancy. 


I'm not quite sure what the Lord is trying to teach me with this one. Patience? Humility? Faith? Probably all of those. Babe is happily swimming in his mom-made jacuzzi and I am wishing for a quick and easy pickle-splash. I'm worried about how I'll handle new motherhood again. Last time, I struggled enormously and coped through teaching seminary. This time around, I've been released from seminary and am serving on the Humanitarian committee. 

Ah, humanitarian committee... I'm not a natively crafty person. I like organization. I like rearranging furniture. I like office supplies, but putting me in a JoAnn's is asking for awkward. Yet, here we are. For Super Saturday, we participated with Project Linus chapter here in Montgomery county ( Excellent organization, excellent people. The idea is making blankets for children who are in traumatic situations: hospitals, shelters, etc. 

So, I've had a crash course on organizing a quilting bee. I've learned a lot about piecing, binding, batting, and backing. My library basket has over half a dozen quilt books that I've been studying. There's a lot to learn, and I have the skill set of (sometimes) sewing a straight line. I'm hoping that this calling is what helps me move through new motherhood again. I'm learning and improving skills and will be teaching others the same soon. 

The next few posts will highlight some of the things I've done, some places we've been, family in town,  and of course, Raeford. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh, man. Good luck with birthing that baby! Maybe if you made some big important plans for tomorrow night, the baby would, of course, come before the fun could be had.


Maple Syrup Festival

  We went to the Maple Syrup Festival @Cunningham Falls State Park today. The weather was *gorgeous* and the crowds not horrifying.  We star...