Saturday, September 22, 2012

Pickle Splash

Squid says when a bomb is launched in the Navy, the crew will say, "pickle". When it lands, they say, "splash". So bomb goes out, "pickle," lands, "splash". Pickle-Splash. When baby comes, he'll be my pickle-splash.

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Shopping at IKEA, a lady arrested me with this question:

"When are ya going to BUST OUT?"

I look that pregnant. I feel that pregnant, but I'm not ready to bust out just yet. I've been routinely measuring (fundal height measurement) about 4-6 weeks ahead, for months. I would measure myself daily just to confirm that I was not crazy. Fundal height measurement, though there is a lot of room for error, is generally within a +/- 2 week window for the vast majority of moms. Rae was 0-2 weeks ahead for all of that pregnancy. Beyond measuring large, this baby moves A LOT more than Rae did.

So, I did get the ultrasound.

I liked seeing Widget move. He (yes, I did find out I'm having a boy!) didn't hold still for the tech at all. I could feel him turning, punching, and kicking and then WATCH it at the same time. Now it's a lot easier for me to understand what's happening when I'm feeling it. Makes more sense. Two sets of feet in my ribs really is Widget lying transverse and kicking for all he's worth.

He was about a week ahead and weighed four and a half pounds-ish.  Pretty good for a 32 week fetus. I liked watching the tech take measurements. Each measurement would correspond with an estimate for gestational age. So, like his head measured at 35 weeks, 6 days and his legs measured for an older fetus, too. Big head, long legs. That's my baby. Overall, he evened out to about what a 33 week fetus would be expected to look like, about a week ahead.

With this pregnancy, I try to remind myself that the good days are more frequent than the counting-down-the-hours-till-Mr.-Graff-gets-home kind of days. Mr. Graff is good about reminding me to take care of myself, do yoga, eat, sleep. He says that I am more frustrated about what I cannot do than he is. I'm glad he's there for me.

So, since I look ready to bust out, lots of people ask me when I'm due. I hate telling them November. November seems far away and inevitably they look surprised. Whoops. I think I'm going to start saying Halloween because that seems a lot closer.

Widget wiggled down and buried his head in my hip,
then refused to move no matter how much the tech bopped his head.
So, you see the back of his head and arm blocking her in his pictures. 

I'm ready for my Pickle-Splash.

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