Sunday, February 14, 2016

Barefoot Boys

Any chance that Rae gets, off go the shoes. And since, well, Hawaii, it's not a big deal, just sometimes kinda gross. We tried in vain to find his other shoe before a walk this afternoon, and finally settled on "Caleb doesn't wear shoes, so Rae can go without them, too. He's not going to wear them anyway." Off we went, shoeless. 

And then we found his missing shoe, on the sidewalk, a couple blocks from home. Apparently we dropped it on our walk last night.

Locals call flip-flops "slippers". I hear it everywhere, so it creeps into my vocabulary, too. Rae mashes them together and calls his shoes "flippers". 

I still haven't put Caleb in shoes, yet. We live in eternal sunshine... there are no seasons, just wet and not so wet. Warm and not quite so warm. The sun always goes up around 7 am and down around 7 pm; Hawaii doesn't do that Daylight Savings Time thing. We just don't need to. 

So, no shoes for Caleb. 

I love listening to Cal's "tap, tap, tap" as he zooms down the sidewalk. He's quick and waves his little arms to keep his balance as he goes.  He runs almost everywhere, and when he's excited, he kind of flutter-kicks his feet.  We call him "Stomp-Stomp".

Going barefoot does make it easier to climb. 

And do headstands.  

Rae does a lot of headstands, for some reason.

We go barefoot. A lot. 

One of our kiddos is rather attached to his shoes, our Little Middle. If it looks like we might be going anywhere, Joe will run and grab his shoes and demand to have them put on his feet. Where Rae and Caleb are completely content to go naked, Joe demands to have clothes, and he loves his white button up Sunday shirt best. 

Shoes means he's going places. We think Joe is going places. And we think Rae is going places, too, once he finds his shoes. Caleb can stay barefoot a little awhile longer. 

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